Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Two Things on Tuesday

We have wonderful friends coming for lunch--in about an hour and a half, and I still have to vacuum, shower, and work some sort of magic with my face (and product from the Clinique counter)!

Anyway, I'm updating my own website. It's bare bones still, but I'm making slow progress.

And, two, I'm running an ad on my favorite blog, ever, to advertise my new release this month. As always, first thing this computing morning, I logged into Chickens in the Road, and there was the ad for Her Reason to Stay . (I realize I should have made my name more prominent in the ad, but here's hoping people click it anyway.) Anyway, I'm crazy excited! (Crazy cause it is, after all an ad, but--on my favorite blog! What fun to have it there!)

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