Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Cover--The Man from Her Past

Here it is. I'm excited about it. The hero, in particular, looks the way I pictured him. A friend suggested the heroine looks like Kelly Clarkson. I hope so--if people can see her as the heroine in a romance. I actually don't have strong images of the characters in my books--of their faces I mean. Hence, this hero with his face turned away looks as I imagined him.

Roll on, August! :-) I really loved writing this book, and I hope readers will enjoy it, too.


Ronda said...


What a beautiful cover! I love the coziness of the house and the obvious affection between H/h! Enjoyed snooping around your blog as well! Such wit and depth at the same wonder your a writer!!


Anna Adams said...

Hey, Ronda,

Thanks for visiting. How kind you are! The funny thing about a blog is that you think you're writing into cyberspace. Don't you think saying anything is sometimes too easy? :-)

I'm so glad you like the cover! I loved it for the same reasons. These are two characters who've been doing without warmth and coziness till they find their way back to each other.

I hope your writing is going well--though where you'd find the time!
