Wednesday, April 4, 2007

All Over the Place

They're back again. I wonder what happens on Wednesdays that draws all the UPS drivers.

I'm off tomorrow for a writing conference. Looking forward to writerly talk, visiting with my editor, and Brenda Mott, another Superromance Author. I haven't been to a conference in a while and I think I get nourishment hearing others talk about their experiences.

Hey--there go the UPS drivers. All in their brown uniforms of course. Kind of startled me when I looked up! There must have been ten of them.

So now--because I don't want to get behind on deadline, I'm back to my evil twin story. Besides, I'm having a great time writing it!

So this is a potpourri kind of post--a little bit of everything--but I'm in the process of checking email as I type this and an ad just popped up for the new Die Hard movie. The Mac/Galaxy Quest guy and--I think--an F-22 are both in the movie. Can't wait!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend to all who are celebrating both Pesach and Easter!

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