Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Been Playing!

I've been with my family in a place where we didn't have Internet access. Since we so rarely have it here, it wasn't that hard to go without! ;-) (A little bitter about access problems--as usual!)

I wish everyone could visit the Smoky Mountains. What a beautiful visit. Not only is any time with my family too much fun, but wow--what a beautiful place. I always ask if my aunts and cousin manage to take the beauty of those blue-topped mountains and the many-shades-of-green trees for granted. My aunt very wisely said that even when she does, she reminds herself she shouldn't.

I remember running through those trees, splashing through a stream that has totally dried up this droughty summer. Reading (of course) in my 4-room treehouse. I come from a long line of builders! ;-) My treehouse had a ballroom, but I mostly used it for reading--a PB and J at my side, to the accompaniement of that stream.

I also took revisions for my next book with me on vacation. Probably a good thing I didn't have the distraction of the Internet. Gotta get back to those before the house comes to life!

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