Friday, December 12, 2008

Writing with a Pen Again

I saw something at Target yesterday--a notepad in which you write with a pen, but the words can be transferred into a file. I love writing longhand, but I'm far too lazy to type the story in. I'd love to try this amazing, miraculous, whimsical piece of technology, but I also have a pen and paper fetish. What if the rather pricey configuration included a pen that wrote so smoothly I did not possess the moral fiber to resist?

It only works with Windows, but we have plenty of Windows systems around this house, and transferring a file from a Windows system to a Mac is a piece o'cake.

It's a quandary.

I love to write longhand.


Walt Mussell said...

Sorry I haven't visited in a while. Hope you are well. I'm looking to get an Alphasmart to write with.

Anna Adams said...

Hey, Walt!

I'm happy to see you any time you drop by. Alphie is an excellent friend. I've had one for about five years, and I've only had to change the batteries once. In fact, I'm glad you reminded me of Alphie. I'm supposed to go to a lunch with the beloved tomorrow, and I'd rather work, so I'm trying to persuade the offspring to take my place. But if I can't, Alphie is excellent for working in the car!

Thanks! Hope you find a good one and you love it!