Sunday, November 4, 2007

Good Eats--good fun--great book talk!

I never like to speak names aloud out here, but thanks so much--so much I cannot say--to the five fun, ever so interesting women who joined me at my table yesterday. Three were readers--and I loved hearing about your favorite kinds of books. Two were reader/writers--apparently both pretty close to selling as well. So I'll get to buy their books, soon! And all five feel like fine new friends. Thanks again! You all made it a great day!

And, of course there were books. I scurried around to get some signed for myself as well. Gotta get going on Sven-time before I can decide what to read first. ;-) And--wonderful chat with Debby going and coming. We got home before I even noticed we were close!

So--I'm going out to breakfast with good friends and then off to the coffee shop where my girl will be studious and I'll be checking in with Sven!

And by the way, I love falling-back day! Who can't use an extra hour?


Liane Gentry Skye said...

OMG, thanks for the tip on time change LOL. I've been so buried with Sven and Nano that I truly hadn't noticed. And DH certainly isn't going to change the clocks.

Good luck with your word count. Sounds like you're doing fine!

Anna Adams said...

I love that extra hour of sleep! I'm still pretty bitter we're stuck with longer dst hours anyway!

Thanks for the good luck. I'm wishing it to you as well!