Friday, February 9, 2007

A Break--Who Needs It?

Had to break from writing today because I had a trip to the dentist (apparently my new best friend), and then we took my brother-in-law to see a museum exhibit I've anticipated seeing for months.

All the while, I wished I'd slipped my laptop into the car (traffic was terrible because of bad weather). Then at the museum, after I saw the new exhibit, my husband wandered the rest of the collection, which I've seen many times, but he's never visited before. I could have used a notepad and pen! (I did peruse the notepads in the museum shop, but the beloved would rightfully have inquired why I needed yet another notepad/pen combo for my addiction.)

Does anyone else make up stories about the people in the paintings? I can't help myself! (What kind of writer goes anywhere without notepad/pen?)

Off to work! Yay!


Anna Louise Lucia said...

I'm obsessed with paintings when we visit old house and castles... I'll usually wander round till I see one or two that are so vibrant, so alive, that you can't HELP tyring to decide what that person was like, and what happened to them.


Anna Adams said...

Anna, I love to read when you've been traveling because I always "see" what you describe so well! I loved both your description, the amazing photo, and the writing-musing you did on the clear river the other day.

There's a painting in the National Gallery in D.C. of a member of Louis XVI's court. I can't remember her name because I've been digging for a story of my own about her. There's something in her eyes that I want to know about. :-)

Unknown said...

Paintings always intrigue me because I know for all that effort, there MUST be a story there.

Though, I'll make up a story about the people in magazine ads.

Anna Adams said...

LOL, Jenna, on the mag. ads. That's as true as the story in the paintings, though. The ads wouldn't be there without representing a story, huh?

One of the paintings on view once hung in Louis XIV's chapel. I was most taken to think of him and his courtiers standing/kneeling in front of the same painting to take Communion.