Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday Stuff

Back to work on the new proposal. Actually, I'm working two right now--one with an angry spirit and one with a nutty family. Hmm, they both kinda have nutty families. I'm not sure which one I'm enjoying more.

And on a personal note, I had a lovely chat with my aunt today. Life is good!

Congrats to all the finalists in RWA's Golden Heart and Rita contests! I can't wait to cheer you on!

I found a great collection of film noir over the weekend. Something like 50 movies, some of which I've wanted for a long time, but was too cheap to buy. Right now, I'm listening to THE STRANGER with Orson Welles and Edward G. Robinson while I catch up on Monday business. Next up--THE KENNEL MURDER CASE. Anything William Powell did is well worth watching! And film noir--the stories are so tight, not an ounce of literary/artistic fat anywhere. (So this does have something to do with writing!)

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