Saturday, January 12, 2008

Falling behind again

My Internet service at home is so slow, I sometimes give up when the page takes a couple of days to load.

However, I'm in the coffee shop by the square. (The one that didn't close.) My daughter and I are sitting beside a window, where she's attracted the slavish devotion of two adolescent males. And I was just trying to stretch my tired back muscles, but apparently the man walking past felt I was attempting to drag him inside with a display of bosom. I'm thinking we're not good with windows!

Oh--my girl's admirers have just completed yet another circuit! We might have been all right if we'd just taken different sides of this table.

I love being part of this community, but I wonder if we should pack up for today before the decent folk run us out of town on a rail!


Anonymous said...

You could probably stay if you'd quit hoisting your bosoms toward poor innocent menfolk. You tart! hahahahaha

Kate Walker said...

Hi Anna

Just wanted to drop by and say Hi - and I find that you're flaunting yourself in coffee shops!!! :o)

Flora wants me to say Hi to Kitty - she's a real flirt!


Anna Adams said...

Jen! LOL--I could not control myself. Our little town has everything it needs--except a Jezebel!

Kate! How lovely to see you and to hear from Flora! She so reminds me of Kitty when he was just a fluffy wee one. I hope you're enjoying her quirky MCC ways. And come visit me. It's a lovely shop and we could flaunt in tandem! ;-) Two jezebels are always better than one!